Saturday, November 15, 2014

Racism in America (Black wake up call)

Racism in America, does it exist?

Yes of course it does.

But why my black skin?

That is the illusion that the black man in America has. Do some people hate you just because of your skin color? Yes, but these are not your "oppressors", those are usually some hillbillies who think niggers and spics are driving the white race into extinction. Unless you live in the Dixie belt, this is not the black man's main concern?

So why do they hate me?

They don't, they fear you.


Let me break it down in detail.

Your skin is a symbol. A symbol of someone economically disadvantaged. In other words a poor person.

If you have failed to understand capitalism, here's a crash course. The man with the business is on the top. This is the upper class or the 1%, The people who help him run his business is whom we consider to be the middle class. Now at the bottom we have the labor force, the lower class.

The cause of the African Slave Trade was due to the natives susceptibility to European diseases and thus a lack of labor force. Once the black man was brought over as slaves, the cost effective solution to the problem was found. But when slavery was abolished what were businesses to do.


Separate but equal, except you will live only in certain neighborhoods, you will have schools, but just enough for basic education*, you will get paid for your work but not as much, just enough that you will need public assistance to survive. Begin to make more and this assistance will be removed. Leave your assigned area and you will be dealt with.

So what happened after the civil rights act?

Realistically the framework of segregation exists today and is alive and very well. It's no longer exclusive, a black man can live in an affluent neighborhood, but they do not form a majority. Loiter in these "affluent" areas and you will find your encounter with law enforcement. Prepare to answer the question "What are you doing here?"

And the same "black only" neighborhoods still exist today, full of public housing and people barely surviving on minimum wage. Welfare/Food Stamps/Section 8 keeps the black man afraid of making too much, by offering an easier alternative to sustenance and a penalty for self reliance. Housing assistance restricts you to certain areas. You may find now that a few people from other races may have joined you in those areas, on occasion maybe even a white guy or two. but they are exceptions.

Schools may have better infrastructure to maintain the facade of progress, but these teachers are still 1 to 40, 50 students. They are still grossly underpaid and many under-trained. The results are the high dropout rates, and those who do graduate, many of them graduate with just a diploma and off to the workforce. Some do overcome and move on to college but this minority are usually the lucky ones blessed with a sound family structure. Oh yes to add insult to injury, funding is removed from lower performing schools.

Crack and the legal system

The black man can go anywhere in theory and vote. But political power costs money, and those in power (business bought politicians)  are not going to lose their power, nor their laborers (slaves if you haven't figured it out).

People suffering always need an escape, cheap and potent, the birth of crack. Did the powers that be introduce crack to these impoverished neighborhoods. I won't put a stamp on the theory but it's hard to ignore. Which black man in the 60's had enough money to buy cocaine in sufficient amounts and then decide instead of snorting it to experiment with it to see which household chemical he could mix it with and then figure the right ratio of water and cooking time for the rock formation. I find it hard to believe. I reserve my opinion on this one and leave it up to you.

After the economic hurdles mentioned, a neglected ill educated youth, with a struggling mother and missing father finds the available solution. Sell dope to his own. A smoker made a choice, he's going to buy what he wants regardless of who, I might as well make this money, is his reasoning. The catch 22 is the smoker also has kids at home, which brings the problem full circle.

Now add to the above, the biased drug laws severely punishing these low level dealers for minimum amounts, and permanently tarnishing their criminal record practically ensuring he may never find gainful employment or descent housing, now by force having to turn to crime.

After so much years of this cycle, crime and all the violence it brings will remain at an all time high within those economic zones (ghettos, hoods) and now for your answer as to why you are feared.

The media

Please finish this phrase. Police looking for a suspect: young _____ male, mid 20's. This is the media's portrayal of the black man. An impoverished person, in a desperate situation, willing to turn to crime and a violent disposition. Everything about the culture; hairstyles, clothing, tattoos, vehicles, just becomes a defining marker.

In the movies and on TV it's even worse. The criminal is the stereotypical black man, durag, golds, tank top, saggy jeans, pistol in hand.

Unfortunately the nail in the coffin to the black mans portrayal in the media, is the music industry, yes hip hop. The glorification of getting money by any means necessary and the social legitimization of selling drugs. The soundtrack to a life of crime.

(Warning next paragraph is a personal rant)
My opinion on the music industry is I support expression. But to the uneducated, they hear the fiction and don't decipher it from fact. The fact is this, most real drug dealers don't rap. I wish they would though. At least they could explain to these kids that selling drugs in a "trap"is trying to make money from one place permanently paranoid of getting robbed or arrested, no one is rapping about how the shame of selling your friends mother some crack. I don't hear the pain of burying friends you saw the day before. And I don't hear the frustration of years of selling drugs and going to jail and still being poor. I assure you that Freeway Ricky, Nicky Barnes, Frank Lucas or Big Meech would all have my opinion. But they don't rap, and tragedy is not catchy.

This is why the black man is profiled and racism exists. Skin tone is just the feature that profiles the black man as being poor and violent. It's the reason why some cross the street, avoid eye contact, and clutch their purses. But it's not the color of your skin itself so they will hold their heads high and proudly say I am not a racist.

Here's the funny part. I haven't said it's white people profiling the black man. They do, but all the other races do as well including blacks. Yes black people profile against their own kind, just instead of skin tone alone, they profile appearances, transportation, residence and speech. But the black kid in a hoodie after dark still raises all of their alert levels.

So what you're saying is all inner city kids are doomed or have never gone to college if they had a rough life growing up?

Nope not at all, many have succeeded despite their circumstances. Personal responsibility is still a factor no matter what the situation and or disadvantage. But it's a difficult and sometimes unpopular road to take.

So what do we do?

The educated American black man is waiting on a day of black enlightenment when all the members of his race stop their ignorance and collectively realize not only how they are being disadvantaged but the solution.

The black man has the voting power to elect one of their own as a head of state. Historical as it may be is was a race powered vote for many blacks who wanted history to be made. Imagine that same voting power in congressional, state, or local elections. Imagine with well educated voters.

The black man needs to love the black man. It's not racist to help your own if he is at a disadvantage. It's a sad fact that the black man hates his kind more than any other race. This system of inequality has led to the crab in the barrel mentality where the ones who don't have it, hate the ones that do, and the ones that do, out of fear, selfishness, or retribution, refuse to help those that don't.

Ignorance has to be treated like a disease. The lack of historical identity within the black community due to the lack of education has lead to many having to act or speak in a certain way to prove their blackness. Speaking properly and dressing professionally labels a black man an Uncle Tom. Educational success taking second place to athletic successes with the idiotic mindset that sports or music are the only legitimate ways out of their situation is another failure to be corrected. The culture has spawned many ways of self expression but the black man fails to realize that he is already being disadvantaged by his race and that facial tattoos and unkempt appearance in a professional setting will keep him marginalized. Most importantly of all is the lack of sexual education specifically birth control. Teenagers are not ready to be parents.

One of the most important issues to be dealt with is failure to raise the young and the destruction of their innocence. Toddlers twerking is sad not funny, your children knowing the explicit lyrics to hardcore rap artists is sad, not cute. Your children seeing or knowing guys selling drugs or even knowing what drugs are at 5 is horrendous. If your 13 year old is going out dressed like a video vixen you have failed at parenting. The word age appropriate has ceased to have meaning to many. School teachers are not parents they are not meant to raise your kids but to give them knowledge. Values and discipline you get at home. Unfortunately black parents are getting younger and younger. Young grandparents need to realize their mistakes and step in so their grandchildren have a better chance, instead of refusing to grow up. Mothers, the moment you became pregnant, your childhood ended. Personal responsibility has to kick in now for the sake of your kid and the future of the black race. Last but not least keep the kids father in your kids life. He needs to provide for your kid, not for you. Your child is not responsible for your personal issues nor should they be without a parent just because of the dad's situation.

The last but most important issue to fix

Fathers please come home. No job, no money for child support, have 19 other kids. There is no excuse. You may not be a role model but you are someone that child could say loves him. Life screwed you, and you made many bad choices, this is not your child's fault. Teach him your mistakes in the hopes he could stop the cycle. Encourage him and support him. Last but not least MAN UP. Provide. If you're on child support, buy a gift once in a while, if you cant afford it do what you can. Regardless of who you made your child's mom that is your kid. Be there for him.

On an end note, this country may not be set up for the black man and many things may still need improvement. But this is not Jim Crow. The opportunity is there. It's tough but not impossible. To the successes who have made something of themselves, remove that foolish pride that you made it over the rest. That is the plantation mentality. Judging the rest calling them lazy, shiftless and ignorant. Find one of these young lost causes and mentor them. Give them something else to aspire to. Show them that a good education can get you a good car, and a good house. Entrepreneurs hire your own. Inspire others, the black man has tremendous purchasing power, harness it and use it to help level the playing field. Music artists, your people are vulnerable, your words have power, you can spread a message faster than anyone, uplift your people, get politically active.

Or do nothing

Capital Punishment

Should the taking of a life be punished by the taking of another life?

Under these conditions, I think those who fit the following criteria need an express lane.


If beyond a shadow of a doubt*:

you murder groups of innocent people, with premeditated intent*
you as an adult, murder a defenseless innocent minor with intent*
you raped a child under 13*
you committed rape that lead to a murder*

 all defenses of mental incapacity should be thrown out and the convict executed by a firing squad composed of all willing and qualified victims relatives.


Camera footage, multiple ID's, DNA. Saying I was crazy at the time does not excuse murder. There was ill intent. It should not take more than 1 year to decide a persons fate.


What is cruel and unusual punishment?

Injections that drown you alive (time consuming, not always effective, moral/ethical issues)
Gas chambers (expensive, hazardous, slow death)
Old sparky

How about something immediate, cheap, non dramatic, and portable

Firing squad. Ready Aim Fire and it's done.

Let's stop wasting money feeding and housing monsters playing the legal system while families are hungry in the street.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Same-sex Marriage: Problem Solved

This is a hot button topic. Yet my solution is so simple I just don't get why people don't support me.

But why? People still want to get married.

Marriage is a religious institution. America has something called the separation of church and state. When did the government become a religious authority? What we need legally is civil unions. That I personally could give a crap about. If you want a person to own half your crap and legally own your stuff when your dead, fine by me. If you want rights when you decide to end that union, fine. 

But if you want to get married, GO TO A CHURCH, a synagogue, temple, find a preacher to do it, and that's it. 

If your church believes marriage is between a man and a woman then you have a religious problem. We all have different beliefs, mine are more traditional but it has nothing to do with politics, and it shouldn't affect anyone doing what they want. If you found a religion willing to marry two people of the same sex and that floats your boat fine. I have the right to choose if I want to follow that particular religion or not. It's called freedom of religion. This drama is the result of the government trying to be a religious authority. Here's the solution.

Political Affiliation: Join my party

I guess I should have made this my first post.

Anytime you turn on the news and it comes to politics you always hear about republicans and democrats. The left vs the right, red vs blue, donkey vs elephant.

My father was a die hard republican, he was also Hispanic and black. My dad could not be debated, he listened to one radio station because the rest was just communist propaganda. But I could understand his reasoning. He lived and suffered first hand under a communist regime. Those graphic pictures at the end of my last post, he's saw images like those first hand, people he knew, my grandfather was summarily executed in a protest 12 days after that regime took power. The current president of his country ordered it himself. My father enjoyed over 20 years of forced labor and he was lucky.

For him America was freedom, the president who granted him said freedom was Ronald Reagan, he was the enemy of his enemy. He would forever have my father's loyalty as well as his party.

Unfortunately for him I was not a die hard republican like him. I found myself agreeing with many things and disagreeing with just as many. I also found myself agreeing with the democrats half the time. I also noticed that if I explained my points my father would agree with me. But he would never question his party. I'm all for small government and less taxes, strong military is a definite. But our defense budget is insane, taxes can't be lowered on guys who profit off Americans by selling them products built by cheap Chinese labor and pocketing the profits. I can't seem to agree with the policy of doing nothing or stopping bills even if you agree with them just to piss of the other side.

As far as democrats go, they have a better pulse of the social needs of this country, they also lean more towards being isolated from foreign affairs and focusing on domestic issues. But they want to be involved in everything, they want a program and a law for every facet of human life. England is a democrats paradise, speed limit cameras everywhere, tax on everything, congestion charges, basically fancy communism. I agree with expanding healthcare, and not limiting people based on preexisting conditions, but before we did that we should've looked at the cost of health care. One hospital visit with a urine test and some painkillers is 5 grand! 400 for an ambulance ride 100's for the pills. That needs to be controlled before taxpayers foot the bill. Forcing everyone to have health insurance or else is what I'm against. Giving more requirements to all ready struggling small businesses I'm against.

So what am I a democrat or a republican. Neither, I am an Independent. Politicians need my vote and regardless of which party is in power, my party tips the scales. We need to be courted for our votes. We compare both side dispassionately and vote accordingly. We don't do rallies, donations, or fundraising. We're looking at the issues. Most importantly, we are not sheep. We ignore the ad's and wait for the debates. We look at politician's backgrounds. You never know how we're going to vote until election day. We don't have to worry about agreeing with the other guy on some points because we have no party to anger. We are democracy, we like discussion and compromise.

If more politicians were Independents, the health care bill would have been looked at harder and revised, and this "fiscal cliff" would have been averted. But Independents don't have colors, animals or slogans. We don't have a core set of "ideals" we have the constitution and the bill of rights. That's it.

Guns in America: gun control, mass shooting and when does the madness stop?

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. 2nd Amendment

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government. George Washington

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Thomas Jefferson

The quotes above we're written in a different time and that they didn't take into account the weapons available to us now.

Here's what I know

The bill of rights was designed by a group of men who had recently freed themselves from an oppressive government. They decided that there needed to be a framework provided to this new nation of theirs so that it could never become a government that controls the people, instead being a government that represented the free will of it's own people.

The first was the most important and the one I'm using now, freedom of speech/press. It gives me the right to say how I feel about any subject, and write about it as I see fit. Thanks to this amendment I don't have to be arrested for my opinions. This is freedom.

The second was meant to protect the first. A well regulated militia was a ragtag group of colonial farmers who later returned to their normal lives after the war was done.

"But we have a well regulated militia, it's called the National Guard"

The National Guard is not a well regulated militia, it's an extension of the United States Armed Forces relegated to the state during peacetime. These are contracted soldiers sworn to duty to their government. You don't get tired of it and quit whenever you want, you don't choose not to be deployed.

A militia is a group of armed citizens who organize themselves to enter a combat situation. To their enemy they are usually known as rebels. They are bound by a sense of duty and are under no obligation to participate.

Well regulated meaning organized. In a case of an invasion or an oppressive government who loses popular support, the people themselves would need to organize to defend their own nation.

This is impossible we have the Separation of powers prohibiting one person or group from gaining too much power.

Thank God for this, although it is far from perfect, it's currently one of the best examples of how to protect democracy. We pray this system not only remains but that it's perfected to purge the cancers from our legislative bodies.

But in the event that system were to fail, the people will not be oppressed but will be equipped to be able to restore democracy.

But why do you need an AR-15? Are you saying that you should be allowed to own RPG's and nuclear bombs too?

The British had much better muskets than the colonists but the colonists still had muskets, not swords, not spears nor dueling pistols. No one man needed a cannon.

The modern day musket is a rifle, the most commonly used rifles around the world are self loading rifles fed from detachable magazines. Just as the colonists refrained from using spears and swords to defend their nation, we can not be relegated to muskets in a world of self loading rifles. Automatic weapons are banned and rightfully so. Those weapons are meant to suppress enemy fire and are fired uncontrollably. There is little individual need for that. A weapon that can accurately subdue a target at a decent range and remain effective is enough.

But mass killers are using these same kinds of weapons to kill innocents by the dozens! Don't you care?

It's sickening when the gun community is portrayed as cold-hearted people who prefer tools over human life. If anything is the love of human life and the desire to preserve it that keeps us fervent. History has shown what can happen to defenseless people. We have read about the extermination of entire races and yet ignore the common denominator. These horrendous events are not caused by inanimate objects but by sick human beings. If Adam Lanza found a Glock 17 instead of a Bushmaster, he would not have ditched his plan to execute his mother and slaughter 20 babies. Saying that a semi auto rifle is deadlier than a pistol is like saying a 500 foot fall is deadlier than a 100 foot fall. Your not going to be less dead.

So you think guns in schools are the answer?

I can not imagine my third grade teacher with a Glock. But if she did I wouldn't be petrified, and if she didn't, a taser wouldn't be too bad for her to have. Or at the very least having real (armed and trained) security guards in the school who can respond to a situation effectively. But at least something is being done to be able to stop a psycho from killing me before I even started my life. The police can't be everywhere, we need to stop thinking 911 will have cops magically appear in 60 seconds. Our kids have seen armed guards before, It doesn't give them nightmares, they have seen cops with guns, it's normal. A couple of armed guards at the school will only serve to give kids, parents, and the faculty peace of mind and serve as a deterrent to the crazed madman looking to create as much death as possible while avoiding a shootout.

So everyone should own a gun to defend themselves?

Nope, not everyone is responsible enough to own one. Some will never be able to use it when the time comes. Some are fear stricken or have phobias that just can't be overcome. But because some can't doesn't mean I or any law abiding citizen shouldn't be able to have the power to defend ourselves.

So in a situation like Aurora you will turn it into the OK Corral?

To Piers Morgan: a wild wild west shootout is not more dangerous than a massacre, stop being ridiculous. If a crazed madman stops shooting at defenseless people and begins to aim at me, the guy shooting back at him exclusively, more people get a chance to live. If I have more people firing back at him the chances of him dying instead of innocent people increase even more. THIS IS COMMON SENSE. Mass killers do not want a fight, they want to be infamous, they want headlines and their names remembered. They more often will put a bullet in their own head than let somebody shoot them. Sad part is when these crazy people are stopped, it only ends up in the local evening news. Only when they succeed do they get 24 hour news coverage.

But even if one child's life can be saved it will be worth enacting a gun ban.

A 15 year old boy defends himself and his little sister from two home invaders, one robber received multiple gunshot wounds. The boy used his dad's AR-15.

Statistics in these situations are impossible. Why? Because the crime was stopped. If the above was 15 year old boy shot, 12 year old sister raped and killed, and house robbed, reporters would be there for weeks with coverage of the teddy bear and candle memorial. But you would have statistics. All I can give you in these situations is potential outcomes because the crime was not allowed to be committed. And as far as assault rifles go an AR-15 is a .22 rifle on steroids, but it's manageable and accurate and has the potential to kill like any other gun. By the way the kid's dad is a cop, his first instinct was not call daddy, he protected himself then called daddy once he's safe. He's an example to follow.
So do nothing is what your saying?

How the hell people come to that conclusion. YES SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE. The fact is these killings and the violence that plagues this nation and many other countries is the fault of 3 things. Moral decay and the death of individual responsibility, poverty/social injustice, and a neglected mental health system. These problems don't need a band-aid or knee jerk legislation, they require real work. We will have to take a deep look at ourselves as a nation and judge ourselves on what we've been doing these last 50 years. And start fixing this.

For starters let's stop using overcrowded prisons as mental health facilities. Let's get real help for the mentally ill, supervise them and give them the care and attention they need. Neglect is the reason they crave infamy and commit these horrors.

Let's stop wasting time filling our jail cells with petty criminals and marking kids arrest records with trivial offenses causing more joblessness, and instead use the space to keep actual killers rapists and child molesters in there longer.

Removing funds from failing schools before analyzing the underlying causes of these failures that always start at home is another problem causing dropouts and joblessness (future criminals). Also handing out aid to the poor without any oversight that they are on a path to financial independence keeping them perpetually dependent  and poor for generations multiply this crime and violence epidemic. 

A war on drugs that targets the users and low level street peddlers with a blind eye towards the growers and major distributors. On average it takes 28 grams on cocaine and baking soda (crack) to get a person five years, it takes nearly 500 grams in pure coke to equal that sentence. So the jails are stuffed with Leroy's and Jamal's who are only going to be freed and go back to doing the same thing, but nearly impossible to catch Pablo cause not only is Pablo not charged as heavily for all the coke and potential crack he was caught with, but the money he makes selling wholesale to Leroy and Jamal means he can get a team of lawyers and bribe his way out of it. Our inner cities are chock full of poor unguided youth looking for a quick buck, so Pablo finding a replacement street dealer is as simple as a couple of phone calls. Add money guns and drugs in the street dealers hands and they're out there, selling dope, defending their turf, robbing rivals, recruiting kids, and killing each other left and right. By the way, they got the gun from a guy who knows a guy who stole it from some guy. Worse Pablo can get them guns by the truckload from across the border if need be. Backgrounds checks and bans are the last thing in their minds, they're getting money they'll say and that's all that matters. Oh right, the icing on the cake, they turn on a radio and have a soundtrack glorifying all they do.

I CAN TYPE ALL NIGHT about all the reasons and possible solutions but the government knows they are too hard to handle, and all the proposals and ideas will die in the bickering rooms. It's easier to blame the scary looking tool.

Surrendering civil rights to make ourselves feel better will not solve the problem. Criminals and homicidal maniacs are by nature not going to abide by the law. Those criminals will continue to arm themselves just as homicidal manics are going to devise horrible ways to hurt people. We need to attack the causes of these crimes, the causes of these sick people choosing to commit these horrors and those who we can't stop, we can't throw our hands up in hopelessness, we can not wait for the cavalry while 20 kids are shot dead, we can not stupidly think guns disappear cause you made them illegal to own, BUT WE NEED TO ACCEPT REALITY and be prepared to defend ourselves if the need ever arises. Our rights keep this country free, it has provided this false sense of security that we enjoy due to the fact that it deters those who threaten our freedom. It's one of the foundations of our independence and freedom from all oppressors foreign and domestic. Before thinking our ridding ourselves of these rights, study the past.

Armenian Genocide 1915-23
Holocaust 1933-45

Bangladesh 1971
Cambodia 1975-79

 I apologize the the graphic nature of these images, but that's realities of the modern world and what happens when a government has absolute power.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin